Purpose of Educational Activities
2012-06-25 17:53:59
Purpose of Educational Activities

What is the purpose of our Educational activities? The best metaphor is to use the example of a glass. We say that while it is not inaccurate to say that the glass is transparent, it is evident that transparency is not the purpose of the glass. Transparency is one of the attributes of the glass, but its purpose is to hold liquid. Similarly, one of the attributes of our Educational activities is that they become portals for like minded dentists to enter the new culture of LLL (Life long learning) by troops or become instruments for...

Oral Implantology Research Institute
2012-06-23 11:13:19
Oral Implantology Research Institute

The educational materials we produce for young-minded dentist in the area of dental implant language, at whatever level of proficiency, strive to create within them the moral structures that will underlie their decisions and guide their action as they mature into more experienced dentists and active health care providers of society.

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